Best in History
Best moot court performance of the law school throught out the recorded history (2013-2025)About the Law School
European Humanities University (Belarusian: Еўрапейскі гуманітарны ўніверсітэт (ЕГУ), Lithuanian: Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas (EHU), Russian: Европейский гуманитарный университет (ЕГУ)) is a private, non-profit liberal arts university founded in Minsk, Belarus, in 1992. Following its forced closure by the Belarusian authorities in 2004, EHU relocated to Vilnius (Lithuania) and thus continues its operations as a private university.
EHU offers high-residence and low-residence undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degree programs in the field of humanities and social sciences. The university has been headquartered in Vilnius, Lithuania, since authorities expelled it from Belarus in 2004. The university intends to return to Minsk.From 1992 to 2004 EHU was a non-state establishment of undergraduate and post-graduate education in Belarus. In 2004, due to government opposition, EHU was forced to terminate its activities in Belarus. However, thanks to political, administrative, and financial support from the European Union, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Governments of Lithuania, other European countries, and the United States, NGOs and foundations like MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, and others, EHU resumed its operation in Vilnius, Lithuania and opened bachelor's and master's degree programs for Belarusian students in autumn 2005. In March 2006 the Government of Lithuania granted EHU the official status of a Lithuanian university.
After the mass protests of the Belarusian presidential election of 2010, many EHU students and teachers were imprisoned by the KDB. The university said it would work with students to help them in their education despite the circumstances.In academic year 2020/21 EHU serves around 680 mostly Belarusian students, offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs and promoting research in the humanities and social sciences. About two-thirds of EHU's students attend via online programs and reside in Belarus. About one-third attend courses on campus in Vilnius. Teaching languages – Belarusian, Russian, some courses are taught in English, German and French. EHU ranks second among private universities in Lithuania.