All-European IHL and Refugee Law Moot Court 2021: the upshot!


Fall is often about “cold”, “melancholy” and “lack of the sun”, but for mooties October and November are the hottest months. And on the winter’s eve, we have one more competition finished.

The All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court came to an end on November 21, 2021, at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. And here’s the list of the 6th edition winners!

  • The champion of the competition is the University of Ljubljana!
  • The University of Silesia made it to the finals and became a runner-up.
  • The title of the best oralist belongs to Elizabeta Korenčan (the University of Ljubljana) and Meliha Ceyda Toparlak (Istanbul Center of International Law).

Congratulations to the competitors and judges, and many thanks to the organizers for a job well done!

The All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court addresses the most pertinent and topical questions relating to international humanitarian and refugee law, drawing on the current crisis situations. It is designed to encourage students to study and understand the fundamental concepts of international humanitarian and refugee law by addressing concrete legal problems and practicing their legal argumentation in front of experienced judges and panel members.