Who won the International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition?


After the successful first round of written contributions from over 30 teams from all over the world, 12 teams competed in the oral pleadings on 17 and 18 March 2022. Check the list of these 12 teams here. All teams plead in a fictitious case on behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the People’s Republic of Kalakuta, and of 17 year-old Omar Sharif from Syria who seeks international protection in Kalakuta.

The winner of the 2022 International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition is the team from the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Our congratulations to the students, the coach and the university!

The 2022 International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition is organized by the Migration Law Research Group (MigrLaw) from the Ghent University. This International Moot Court Competition sets a high value on the students’ learning experience.

Stay tuned not to miss the announcement of the registration for the International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition 2023!

Photo credit: Unsplash

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